
Our Vision: Every young person will have an equitable opportunity to achieve their greatest postsecondary aspirations.

Our Mission: To close the degree divide in America.

Our Approach: We’re a postsecondary access and success organization working with high schools, districts and states to provide high-quality college and career planning services through our Classroom-Based Model and Postsecondary Leadership Series to dramatically increase the percentage of students from low-income communities who earn a postsecondary education.

I’ve been involved with OneGoal since 2014 and seen the impact the organization has on students. Many of the students I worked with directly have gone on to receive their postsecondary degree or credential with OneGoal’s help and guidance at much higher rates than their peers from similar backgrounds.

As the school year kicked off, I dedicated the months of August, September and October to OneGoal. During that time I completed 379 streets and made a matching $379 donation. Asking the community to get involved, we collectively donated more that $1400 to OneGoal during these three months.

If you are interested in learning more about OneGoal and supporting their mission to close the degree divide, you can do so here.


Bo’s Place


Moving Waters