Team Catapult
I work with Team Catapult weekly, usually serving as a guide for visually impaired athletes at our Wednesday and Saturday practices. Most of the athletes I work with depend on the support and volunteers of Team Catapult to be able to engage in running or endurance sports.
In March of 2022 I was blessed with a sponsored bib from John Hancock into the Boston Marathon. They had heard about my every single street project and the work I was doing with Team Catapult, giving back to the running community. I just couldn’t pass up the chance to raise some money for and awareness about this organization I love. In the eight weeks leading up to the Boston, I decided to commit $1 per street I completed to Team Catapult. During this time I completed 240 streets and made a $240 donation.
Not stopping there, I asked the larger community to join me in supporting this non-profit and collectively we raised more than $3,800 over those eight weeks.
Inspired by this, I decided to continue the tradition of making my every single street project a charitable endeavor on top of everything it already was.
Learn more about Team Catapult here.